
An educational program to encourage reading, textual creation and respect to the author’s rights, promoted by CEDRO and intended for the whole of the educational community.

Be de libro, in spanish, is an expression used to notate that something is logic, elemental, and moreover, obvious whithout any doubt. Also, it is used to indicate that something is fully adequated to its model and that it is, in this way, perfect.

Esdelibro is a pioneer initiative in Spain born with aim to encourage the value of books as a way to access information and knowledge, and as one of the basic pillars of education and culture.
It has also the goal to spread the importance of creation and the character of the author, as well as the need to respect the rights of intellectual property that allow its developement.

Esdelibro, that starts its way in the course of 2006-2007, has the support of the ministries of Education and of Science and Culture, and is concieved as a set of proposals directed to the educational community to put at their disposal the information and materials needed for a bettter knowledge of the book, reading and textual creation ecosystem, the author’s rights and its educative and cultural importance.
In this way, Esdelibro adds to the efforts from another initiatives –most of them developed by different Public Administrations– with coincident objectives, like the encouragement of reading and the school libraries.

CEDRO, Spanish Center of Reprographic Rights (www.cedro.org), is a non-profit organization of authors and editors of books, magazines and other publications, edited by any means and support, aimed to collectively deffend and arrange for their rights to intellectual property of patrimonial nature (reproduction, transformation, public communication and distribution). At the time it counts with more than nine thousand and eight hundred associates: writers, translators, journalists, and editors from Spain.


At this stage, Esdelibro spreads to every Secondary Education (ages from 12 to 18) center in Spain. In a further phase, the initiative will reach the levels of Primary Education and University. The projects we are driving now are:



For students, teachers and the rest of the educational community.


How to do an original, well documented work respecful with the author’s rights.
ESO and bachelor’s degree.




How to do an original, well documented work respecful with the author’s rights.
From twelve to eighteen years old.




Decalogues for students, teachers, teacher training and resources centers, and educational supervisors.



If you wish to get more information, contact us.